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Hey There

I don't normally talk about myself, but I heard readers want to know about who writes their favorite novels... SO, here we are. Really, my hobbies change overtime, and there are a LOT of them. I've never tried to list them before, and as I said, I'm not really used to talking about myself beyond what I do for my little family. Sometimes, I'm so busy being what everyone else needs (mom, wife, etc.) that I even forget who I am! Anyway, here's more about me...

All About Me

I'm from the Southern States, and for my privacy, and the privacy of my little four-person family, I'd rather not post more info than that. I am 31 (as of writing this in 2023) and was raised by two people from the "Silent Generation." They raised me with somewhat traditional morals, but with openmindedness to learn more. I like to think that I'm a pretty good person thanks to that, someone who's confident, reliable, smart, silly, and cute, but that's just my opinion.


Busy is an understatement when it comes to my life. I manage ALL household paperwork, bills, work a part-time job, write, edit, manage my online presence, create graphics/videos/temporary book covers, clean, take care of two kids, two dogs, and my husband, and, of course, struggle to find time for myself. It's a hectic lifestyle, but it's what I chose, so I do it with as much gusto as I can. Believe it or not, I've found my peace, so things are going as well as they can. Life could always be worse!


As for hobbies...

  • Crafts. Painting, crocheting, stenciling, paper mache, scrapbooking, etc. You name it, I've probably tried it at some point. I even have a Scooby Doo Coloring book and my own set of crayons. It's fun, so you should try it sometime!

  • Gaming. Yes, video games. There's some dang good RPGs out there, friend, especially if you're a story-lover! Heck, even some of the more graphic games have really intriguing storylines, and I'm a total sucker for a good story.

  • Learning. One can never have enough knowledge, and I try to expand on my mental pool every day. Learning something new, no matter how life-changing it is or not, is one of the funnest things about my writing.

  • Digital Art. Kinda goes along with the graphics thing I mentioned earlier, but I also play around with this when I'm working on a book, so it's kinda a hobby, kinda a mental breakthrough for Writer's Block (it only works on occasion for that).

  • And of course, WRITING! I'm lucky to love what I do so much! It was initially a hobby and childhood dream. I was told as a kid that there was no way I could, that I needed to think realistically, but I'm trying my hardest to make it. One day, I will get there!


I hope you'll stay on this journey with me as I learn and grow over the coming books!

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