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An Inspired Author

My name is Kelly Brackett, the author of several works across different platforms. Since I was a child, I've always wanted to write. I'm a little strange, though, as I write from several perspectives and usually post my stories on a chapter basis. I've had to force myself to remember that I never started writing for readers, and sure, making money is nice, but I just wanted to write stories.

When I was a teenager, I hid my writings (I only wrote fan fictions about my favorite anime show back then) so I had a pseudonym, but now I've successfully published six complete works through an app known as Dreame, and have one signed and completed on GoodNovel. Here's a little back story about me, though.

I am a mom of two, with a husband, and a dog. I was born to a couple on the verge of divorce in Alabama in the early 90s, ended up being taken in by my mother's parents, and was raised by them. Of course, my grandparents were in their 60s at the time. That was where I gain a love for books and reading. My grandfather (someone I still cherish to this day, God rest his soul) had a subscription to Reader's Digest.

I remember I would go sit in the bed with him every evening and he would teach me about the 'big words' in his book I didn't understand. Really, I got my love for everything book related from him. Then, I was introduced to the world of Anime and Japanese culture. I'd never be able to travel there, but I can love it from a distance, right? It was around this time I started penning my fan fictions.

As I got a little older, about fifteen or sixteen, I was told writing stories would never be a real career, and because I was from Alabama, people wouldn't understand what I wrote, anyway. Though I have this immense love for language, my pronunciation has always been a little off, and though I try my best to speak clearly, I always fall short. But writing. Writing is the way I can share my stories without struggling to find the right words.

I know I shouldn't be embarrassed about how I talk, especially since it's part of who I am, but so is being embarrassed. Anyway, one of my favorite tasks, as odd as it sounds, was copying vocabulary words from the dictionary, or learning new ones from a thesaurus. The older I got, the more I was told my dream was unrealistic. By both family and friends, though not all of them. When I finally moved away from my hometown with my current husband, my first focus was on my son.

My Bubbie is Autistic, so he needed me. He still needs me, and now we have a daughter too. Both will be in school soon, and I felt it to be the prime time to chase my own dreams, since I put them off for so long to work retail. In 2018 or 2019, I was let go from my position as an assistant, something I didn't mind because I wanted to be home more. On the spur of the moment, I decided to write.

I mentioned my current husband earlier. He was completely supportive and still reminds me to continue writing what I want. He still supports my dream, something I am forever grateful for. Anyhow, 2018 to 2019 was when I penned my very first story. Sky Queen. And I was lucky! Dreame was looking for an author like me! This post got far longer than I thought. Maybe I should get back to work now.


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