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It's totally links. Ya got to have them, right? It's what you're here for, right?

Now, all the sites I'll link you to are safe, as far as I know. Alls you have to do is follow these links to my profile and you can select whichever work you want to read from there. Comments and likes are HUGELY appreciated!

Links Are HERE!!!!

Dreame! This is the very first place I ever published a work to. You'll find all my newbie works there! KellyBrackettAuthor (

Amazon! All newer works will be here (maybe grow in marketplaces overtime?)

Ya may want to check out Dreame first, because a lot of my works over there are free! Want to know which ones? Here's what I've got:

Here are my free until complete on Dreame:


If you really want to show your support, give me a review on Amazon!

The main page of this site will host my Amazon Only works, until I take my next solid step, but I'll keep that to myself for now. As for that subscribe button? That info will stay between you and me save for any data collects. Please check their privacy policy in their help center below.


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